Music: Minuet in G Minor by Bach
This paper model of Oxford folds out of a leather suitcase. This is a souvenir of my Oxford experience.
Half the model features university’s main buildings: The Radcliffe Camera, Bodleian Library, Sheldonian Theatre, University Church, and the Clarendon Building. The other half is the campus of Saint Catherine’s College in Oxford.
Attaining precision in a small model is difficult and took about two weeks to build. It is made from paper cutouts, which were folded into various shapes. Below are two of the cutouts before assembly. Dimensions: 7 by 14 inches and 1.5 inches deep.
Below is the image of one of these cutouts before assembly, and the ground plan of the campus before the paper buildings were mounted on cardboard.



Saint Catherine’s College in foreground. The center of campus in background.

Radcliffe Camera – History Library

Clarendon Building – the original home of Oxford University Press

Saint Catherine’s College

Church of Saint Mary the Virgin in foreground.